Available Until 10/31/2028

Creating Influence: How to Get What You Want*


For more information or to schedule this course, please contact  Lisa Traditi <lisa.traditi@ucdenver.edu>.

This face-to-face class, taught by a librarian and a business coach, will show you how to combine librarianship with proven business techniques and put them to work in your institution. Librarians are experts at organizing, evaluating, and disseminating information. Where we often lack confidence is in being influential within our institution. We know that what we do is indispensable; the trick is to make the powers that be believe that we are indispensable.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Define influence and its importance
  2. Describe the principles of influence
  3. Create a plan to manage networks across your organization
  4. Identify the relationships needed to leverage, motivate, and neutralize
  5. Describe tactics for influencing people outside your sphere of control
  6. Create your unique Value Proposition
  7. Use the outcomes from the self-assessment and influence map to create an influencing action plan


1. Introductions
2. What’s your scenario?
3. Characteristics of Influential People
4. Insert Your “IVS” - The Individual Value Statement
5. That Thing You Do - Your Value Proposition
6. Putting it Together
7. Networking
8. Following Up - Keeping the Relationship Alive
9. Action Plan for Creating Influence
10. Evaluation

Facility Requirements

Meeting room with tables arranged in u-shape, if possible, to facilitate discussion. Post-it brand flipchart and markers.

MLA CE Credits: 4, 6