Available Until 7/28/2027

ABC's of Research Impact: Altmetrics, Bibliometrics and Citations

For more information or to schedule this course, please contact Robin Featherstone <robin.featherstone@gmail.com>.

Quantifying and measuring research impact through citation analysis and social media metrics is being increasingly demanded by academic and research organizations looking for ways to allocate funding, evaluate researchers, and support grant applications. In this face-to-face course, participants will explore bibliometrics and altmetrics tools at an introductory level. By the end of the course, participants will have completed a research impact statement and will understand the benefits and limitations of using Web of Science and/or Scopus, Google Scholar and current altmetrics tools for evaluating research at the article and researcher level. The class will include discussion, demonstration and hands on use of tools. Participants will complete a research impact analysis and will discuss the role of librarians in providing support services for measuring research impact.

Participants will be assigned a researcher and will develop a research impact statement for that individual. Each researcher will have unique characteristics that will add to the wrap up discussion.

Learning Objectives

Participants will use Scopus and/or Web of Science and/or Google Scholar to conduct:

citation analysis at the article level

author disambiguation to obtain accurate citation counts and researcher scores

Calculate an h-index. Participants will use current altmetric tools to determine research impact through social media sources.


Item 1: Introductions & Objectives (20 minutes) - Discussion Format
Item 2: Research Impact Report & Components (10 minutes) - Lecture
Item 3: Bibliometrics
Item 3.1: Citations (15 minutes) - Lecture
Item 3.2: Citations hands on using Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus (15 minutes) - Hands on
Item 3.3: Researcher metrics, name disambiguation & ORCID (20 minutes) - Lecture
Item 3.4: Researcher metrics, hands on using Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus & ORCID (30 minutes) - Hands on
Item 4: Altmetrics
Item 4.1: Alternative metrics lecture (20 minutes) - Lecture
Item 4.2: Altmetrics hands on using Altmetric.com Explorer & PLOS Article Level Metrics (30 minutes) - Hands on
Item 5: Data Visualization lecture (10 minutes) - Lecture
Item 6: Research Impact Report - Discuss your researcher (30 minutes) - Discussion
Item 7: Conclusions & Summary (10 minutes)

Facility Requirements

Computer lab with access to Web of Science or Scopus. Harzing’s Publish or Perish needs to be loaded.

MLA CE Credits: 4