Available Until 10/31/2028

NLM Resources Update*

For more information or to schedule this course, contact: Kay Deeney, kdeeney@library.ucla.edu.

Explore the latest and greatest from the National Library of Medicine treasure trove of online resources! This class focuses on selected databases such as ClinicalTrials.gov, Drug Information Portal, Genetic Testing Registry and PubMed Health.

Site URLhttps://nnlm.gov/classes/nlmresources

Learning Objectives
Attendees will be able to

  • Increase their  awareness of NLM resources and databases; 
  • Describe the function of Clinicaltrials.gov;
  • Find  trials by searching or browsing Clinicaltrials.gov; 
  • Explore DailyMed and the NLM Drug Portal to locate drug information; 
  • Explore Genetic Testing Registry (GTR) to find genetic testing information; 
  • Become familiar with the NLM Gallery of Mobile Apps and Sites; 
  • Explore PubMed’s special features such as Shared My NCBI or LinkOut;  
  • Describe when to use various resources and databases.

1.Introduction/Overview (10)

2.Exploring Clinicaltrials.gov (45-60)

3.NLM Drug Portal and DailyMed (30-45)

4.Genetic Testing Registry (20)

5.NLM Gallery of Mobile Apps (15-25)

6.PubMed Health and PubMed special features (30-40)

7.Discussion and review of NLM Resources (15-25)

8.Final questions, wrap-up, and class evaluations (15)

Facility Requirements  
Computers for instructor and students; projector for instructor workstation; internet access.

MLA CE Credits: 3, 4