Available Until 12/31/2028

PubMed for Librarians: MeSH*

For more information or to schedule this course, please contact the NNLM Training Office at nto@utah.edu.

After attending this webinar session, students will be able to define the 4 different types of MeSH terms; define Controlled Vocabulary, identify the parts of a MeSH record: Entry terms, date introduced, two dates, previous indexing and describe automatic term explosion, describe the structure of the MeSH database. The class includes hands-on exercises.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • locate and use the MeSH database to build a search.
  • define Controlled vocabulary.
  • define the four types of MeSH terms.
  • explain the parts of a MeSH record: Entry terms, date introduced, two dates, previous indexing.
  • describe automatic term explosion.


Pre-test: 5 minutes

Controlled vocabulary: 5 minutes

MeSH database: 20

Four types of MeSH terms 20 

Entry terms, date introduced, previous indexing, explosion 30

Post-test and review: 10 minutes

MLA CE Credits:1.5