Available Until 10/31/2024

Research Data Management - On Demand: Data Curation and Documentation

For more information on this course, please contact the NNLM Training Office at nto@utah.edu.

This series is offered via Moodle.

Research Data Management On Demand is made up of four stand-alone classes that introduce principles and practices of research data management. There is no particular order or progression in which to take the classes. Expect to spend up to four hours on each class learning through tutorials, videos and hands-on activities.

Course URL: https://nnlm.gov/training/class-catalog/research-data-management-training-demand

Course Objectives:

Through tutorials, videos and hands-on activities, participants will be able to:

    Explain what data curation encompasses
    Explain various types of data (e.g. surveys, video, images)
    Identify which data elements are important to document
    Recommend file naming convention based on best practices
    Check a dataset for potential privacy issues


  • Pre-test
  • Reading: Data Management Chapters 3 & 6 (pg. 65-71)Page
  • View: NECDMC Module 2Page
  • Complete: NYU Compass Module 5Page
  • Assignment: Ocean Genome Legacy Case Study
  • Post-Test

MLA CE Credits: 4