Available Until 12/30/2024

NNLM Carpentries Workshop Series*

Library Carpentry workshops teach people working in library- and information-related roles how to: cut through the jargon terms and phrases of software development and data science and apply concepts from these fields in library tasks; identify and use best practices in data structures; learn how to programmatically transform and map data from one form to another; work effectively with researchers, IT, and systems colleagues; automate repetitive, error prone tasks.

The core lessons introduce terms, phrases, and concepts in software development and data science, how to best work with data structures, and use regular expressions in finding and matching data. We introduce the Unix-style command line interface, and teach basic shell navigation, as well as the use of loops and pipes for linking shell commands. We also introduce grep for searching and subsetting data across files. Exercises cover the counting and mining of data. In addition, we cover working with OpenRefine to transform and clean data, and the benefits of working collaboratively via Git/GitHub and using version control to track your work. Lessons of the core workshop include: Introduction to Working with Data, the UNIX Shell, OpenRefine, and Introduction to Git.

Approved as an elective for Level I of the Data Services Specialization.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Use regular expressions in searches, 
  • Explain the basics of the Unix shell

  • Explain why and how to use the command line

  • Explain what the OpenRefine software does

  • Explain how the OpenRefine software can help work with data files

  • Recognize why version control is useful

  • Distinguish between Git and GitHub


The core workshops consist of four lessons: Introduction to Working with Data (Regular Expressions), The UNIX Shell, OpenRefine, and Introduction to Git. All lessons are completely outlined on the site below, each taking approximately 5 hours in the online environment, with time for skill practice between lessons. 

MLA CE: 15