Available Until 12/31/2028

Consumer Technology to Manage Personal Health Data*

The use of health and fitness technology and apps continues to rise as more technology becomes available across various platforms for the consumer market. Consumers overwhelmed with the vast number of choices of devices and apps may turn to their library for help with this decision-making process. In this course, you will develop an understanding of the types of health technology and apps that are available and their uses, how to evaluate the tools, and create programming for library visitors. ​

This class is a four credit (4 learner hours) online course taught over two weeks in Moodle with one, 60-minute live session in Webex.

Learning Outcomes:

The learner will be able to:

  • Explain uses of personal health data and its benefit in healthcare decision-making
  • Explain the risks of using consumer technologies to manage personal health data
  • Identify the different types of health apps and devices that people use to collect health data
  • Evaluate health apps for use in personal health data collection
  • Discuss how patients, clinicians, and the general public interact with technology and consume health data
  • Plan programs to support health apps and technology use


Week 1 webinar: 60 minute live session via Webex and recorded for later viewing, covering:

  • Risks of consumer technologies re: health data
  • Consumer health apps and devices
  • Benefits to consumers and others
  • Evaluating health apps
  • Library Programming and services around health technology

Week 1 Assignment:  Read about two public library programs involving fitness trackers and respond to a discussion forum post in Moodle. 

Week 2 Assignment: Review at least one consumer health or fitness app using the health and fitness app evaluation models and post review to a discussion forum in Moodle.