Available Until 4/7/2028

TOXNET: Toxicology & Environmental Information

For more information or to schedule this course, contact: Kay Deeney, kdeeney@library.ucla.edu.

This is a hands-on class intended for inexperienced users. It is designed to introduce participants to the different databases available on TOXNET. Attendees will gain experience locating toxicology, chemical, and other hazardous substance information.

Site URL: https://nnlm.gov/classes/toxnet

Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:

  • Identify the five types of databases in TOXNET,
  • Select the database most appropriate to their information need, and
  • Demonstrate proper searching techniques

3 hr agenda

I. Welcome and  introductions (15 minutes), 
II. TOXNET Data Files (45 minutes) (HSDB, CCRIS, GENE-TOX, IRIS, ITER, LactMed); 
III. Practice Exercises (15 minutes); 
IV. TOXNET Literature Files (20 minutes) (TOXLINE, DART); 
V. Practice Exercises (10 minutes); 
VI. BREAK (10 minutes); 
VII. Toxic Release Databases (20 minutes) (TRI, TOXMAP); 
VIII. ChemIDplus (15 minutes); 
IX. Other Databases (10 minutes) (Haz-Map, Household Products) 
X. Practice Exercises (15 minutes); 
XI. Wrap up, questions and evaluations (5 minutes)

MLA CE Credits: 1, 2, 3