Available Until 12/13/2025

Consumer Health Information Resources and Services*

For more information or to schedule this course, please contact Jeff Huber at jeffrey.huber@uky.edu 

History and development of consumer health information resources and services; role of professional and governmental agencies in the provision of CHI; policy issues related to the provision of CHI. Consumer health professional literature, user information needs, user resources, and information services. Identification, selection, utilization, and evaluation of CHI for special populations within specialized educational and health care settings. Trends and issues in CHI.

Resource URL: https://ci.uky.edu/sis/sites/default/files/syllabi/LIS%20627%20201%20spring%202022%20syllabus%20January%203-1.pdf

Learning Objectives

1) Understand the historical development and origins of the consumer health information movement

2) Understand he differences in responsibilities between consumer health librarians and other librarians

3) Recognize the role of regional, national, and international agencies in relation to CHI


This is a semester-long course broken down over a 15 week period.  Each week includes readings and discussions.

MLA CE Credits: 3