Available Until 12/31/2028

MeSH Changes and PubMed Searching - On Demand

For more information or to schedule this course, contact: Kate Majewski, majewsk@mail.nlm.nih.gov.

Every year, the Medical Subject Headings are updated. How does this affect your PubMed searches? What happens when a term gets changed, or added, or removed; or moved to a different part of the MeSH hierarchy? How do you accommodate vocabulary changes over time in your comprehensive searches?

Join us for "MeSH Changes and PubMed Searching" to learn.

Course URL: https://www.nnlm.gov/training/class-catalog/mesh-changes-and-pubmed-searching-demand

Learning Objectives:

Successful participants will be able to:

  • Describe how the MeSH vocabulary is maintained
  • Explain how the addition, revision, deletion and rearrangement of MeSH terms affect your PubMed searches
  • Check your saved searches and alerts for needed changes


  • New Terms
  • Previous Indexing
  • Replaced Terms and Year Introduced
  • Subheading Changes
  • Tree Rearrangements
  • Checking your Saved Searches

MLA CE Credits: 1.5