Available Until 1/18/2025

How to Apply for NNLM Funding*

For more information on, or to schedule this course, please contact the NNLM Training Office at nto@utah.edu.

NNLM Grants and Proposal Writing is a 1-hour live webinar worth 1 MLA Continuing Education credit. Designed for beginning grant proposal writers interested in NNLM funding, this class presents a general overview of grant and funding processes, as well as the level of detail required for a successful proposal.

Site URL: https://nnlm.gov/training/class-catalog/grants-and-proposal-writing 

Each component of the NNLM grant writing process will be addressed, including:

  • Documenting the need
  • Identifying the target population
  • Writing measurable objectives
  • Developing a work plan
  • An evaluation plan
  • A dissemination plan



MLA CE Credits: 1