Available Until 8/15/2024

Mis/Dis/Mal-information and How to Fight It*

For more information or to schedule this course, please contact Miranda Stefano at miranda.j.stefano@gmail.com . 

Mis/Dis/Mal information has been around since ancient Egyptian times. It’s not new, but evolving technology has increased its spread exponentially. Similar to infectious diseases, we are all potential vectors in the spread of misinformation. Inoculate yourself to mis/dis/mal information by participating in this workshop focused on identifying and fighting mis/dis/mal information.

Resource URL: [Pending] 

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the modern misinformation landscape (including AI and deep fakes) by reviewing real-life examples pulled directly from social media.

  • Learn about and practice utilizing professional fact checking tools and strategies.

  • Discuss methods to assist our patrons in improving their own information consuming habits.


  1. “Fake News”
  2. Misinformation Motivations
  3. Misinformation Types
  4. Misinformation Landscape
  5. Fact Checking Tools Demonstrations
  6. Hands-on Practice 
  7. Helping Others with Misinformation

MLA CE Credits: 3