Available Until 5/2/2028

Health Information Resources for Medical Interpreters

For more information or to schedule this course, contact: Patricia Devine, devine@uw.edu.

Poor health literacy can lead to worse health outcomes, increased rate of hospitalization, and higher healthcare costs. In this in-person class medical interpreters learn about sources in different languages and strategies to improve health information literacy.

Site URLhttps://nnlm.gov/classes/interpreters

Learning Objectives
Through instruction, class discussion and hands-on exercises, participants will learn: 1)What is health literacy and why is it important? 2)Why go to the Internet for information? 3)How to evaluate online information. 4)How to chose reliable web sites. 5)How to find information with hands-on practice.

10 minutes: Welcome and Introductions
15 minutes: Health Literacy: Definition and Importance
15 minutes: Health Literacy: Effects
15 minutes: Evaluating Health Information Online
20 minutes: Demonstration of reliable websites
40 minutes: Exercises, hands-on practice and questions
5 minutes: Wrap up

Facility Requirements  
Requires instructor computer and projector as well as computers for hands-on by class participants. All should have internet access. Classroom seating is preferred.

MLA CE Credits: 2